Our Sourcing
VHRC source the candidates through:
1.Our Vocational Training Systems and our Sub-recruitment Agencies;
2. Our Active Databank;
VHRC has an extensive computerized databank. A computerized databank undertakes the collection, retrieval and analysis of information as to proposal for work and job opportunities, credit ratings and other subjects of trade interest. Basically highly skilled & technically qualified professional categories required are sourced from our active database;
3. Job Posting in Job portal
We post the requirements on our job portals and also have contractual access to some local leading premier jobsites such as: http://vieclamvietnam.gov.vn. www.vietnamwork.com, www.vieclamngoainuoc.vn, www.sovilaco.com, www.tuoitre.vn, www.tienphong.vn, www.tailieu.vn, www.kiemviec.com, www.timviecnhanh.com, www.facebook.com/vieclamngoainuoc.vn of Vietnam which also contain large database for all industries;
4. Headhunting Activities
We also conduct headhunting in demographic areas where certain specialized categories are available. This activity is an added advantage in sourcing required from specific industries;
5. Advertising
The required categories are advertised on local newspapers, televisions and others public media in Vietnamese language which cover the cities and provinces targeting the candidates as per the industry;
6. Personal Interview and Screening
Personal interviews are conducted by our technical recruitment managers basing on the job description provided by our customers. The Skilled, Semi-skilled categories are also subjected to a trade test as per their specialization;
7. Skills and Assessment testing
Base on the questionnaire provided by the Clients, our technical managers interview the applicants and verify the knowledge of the candidates in the specialty he has applied for;
8. Screening, assessment and short-listing
Screening, assessment and short-listing of the candidates for final interview are carried out by our highly experienced managers. The overall grading of candidates in carried out base on their professional skills, previous experience, general knowledge, personality and adaptability. The candidate short-listed by us is then presented to the Employers or Employer’s representatives for the final selection for work environment;
9. Standard of Hiring Criteria for Skilled post
- Management by objective;
- Strong administrative skills;
- Strong communication and Interpersonal skills;
- Self-motivated;
- Workgroup skills;
- English Fluency;
- Ability to work under pressure;
- Resumes in Vietnamese language & English;
- Satisfactory reference from previous employers;
10. Standard of Hiring Criteria for the Semi-Skilled and Unskilled workers
- High school certificate (at least);
- Be age from 18 up to 40 years;
- Good at English (Semi-Skilled post requirement);
- Pass basic intelligence and skills tests;
- The minimum length and type of experience at least 3 years;
- Not have the service terminated by the previous employers;
- Preferably non-smokers, have no record of alcohol or drug abuse;
- Have no criminal record;
- Have no impending military services obligations;